Giving Thanks When It’s Needed Most

Thanksgiving 2020. It’s definitely been a year to remember, and for way too many families this year, it will be a time to remember those who have been lost, and for many more, Thanksgiving will involve phone calls and video calls to relatives with whom they’re used to feasting with face-to-face.
While we may not be able to give thanks this year the way that we’d like to or we’re used to, it’s also true that rarely does life go according to plan. Sometimes it can be helpful to take a step back, to find yourself in unfamiliar territory and see things in a different light. Sometimes, life forces us gently into new paths and new ways of being. Maybe instead of spending hours on the road, going from one or more family gatherings, maybe this year, it might be good to sleep a little late, make a small dinner, call some relatives and crash on the couch with a glass of wine and some cheesy Hallmark movies in the background. If you happen to see Margaret in the store, she’ll be happy to give you some wine recommendations.
Maybe it’s time for just a low-key day of relaxation. Save the partying for next Thanksgiving. Next Thanksgiving, you can invite as many people as you want, get all the hugs and high fives you can muster.
What do you give thanks for this year? In a year that’s felt like such a rollercoaster of emotion for many Americans, what right now in this very moment are you thankful for? What will you be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day?
In all the tumult of this year, like so many other small businesses, we’re just happy to still be here, and that Saxapahaw has been relatively unscathed. We didn’t have quite the full-throttle summers that we usually do, full of Saturdays in Saxapahaw and crowded concerts at the Haw River Ballroom. We didn’t have the normal rush of catering big weddings, and we’ve had to change a lot to keep up with the times and to make business more efficient, all while having to do major overhauls like get new gas pumps when the old ones we inherited so long ago finally gave up.
And we’re thankful for such a resilient, creative community that’s been with us every step of the way. The way that our local farmers have always made sure we’re fully stocked on fruits, veggies, eggs, milk, and meat even as some supply chains have experienced slight disruption. We’re thankful for visitors who wear masks and keep a little bit of distance from each other, as well as the many locals who have stepped up to make masks for both employees and customers. We’re thankful to our team members who have had to completely learn new systems and adjusting to new ways of doing things, and who have gladly stepped into new roles, or filled in when people have taken days off to self-quarantine out of an abundance of caution.
We’re thankful to the new life that’s sprung forth with the babies born during our 2020-2021 quarantine baby boom, and again, those who have had to adjust around maternity leave, so our new moms and dads have the space to raise another generation of brilliant, compassionate humans.
How are you going to be celebrating this year?
We hope that everyone will be staying safe, and adhering to practical guidelines. We also hope that you might stop by and visit us before Thanksgiving Day to pick up one of Amber’s house-made pies— she just made a bunch of pumpkin pies today, and she’ll be making pecan and sweet potato tomorrow. Or maybe you want to try your hand at making your own pies at home— we’ve got plenty of stuff for that as well. We’ve got organic cranberries for trying your hand at homemade cranberry sauce, and fresh locally grown collards. If you’re a fan of deviled eggs, we just restocked on our local egg selection, and we’ve got egg nog from Ran-Lew dairy just down the road. Since we hope you won’t be doing that much driving, you should also check out our enormous selection of craft beers from around the world, carefully curated by Kevin. Try some NC made cheese and pate for something a little different. It might go well with those cheesy movies.
But seriously, do stay safe. Stay healthy. Don’t go to massive gatherings with relatives from all over the country. We can all do plenty of that when this is over. If you suspect even for a minute that you might have covid, get tested and just stay at home entirely, so that you can make sure those bigger gatherings can happen next year. If you’re celebrating with people who are outside of your immediate household, wear a mask, and keep a safe distance. A pandemic requires the participation of everyone. Numbers in this country are out of control. It’s not just people in nursing homes, or the very sick or elderly. This unpredictable virus can cause an irreparable amount of damage in a young person, or it might play out in a completely asymptomatic manner in your grandparents. The best way to make sure that we can all enjoy crazy Saxapahaw summers and autumn fire pit parties later is to take precautions now to do everything you can to keep those around you healthy.