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  1. 1
    Sam Moore

    Great piece on collards, southerners and the prosperity of community. It was a bang on year for collards and cabbages last fall. All the green things took off after August and just kept right on growing until just after Christmas when that long cold snap set in. For Frances and I, living way over here in Elon, our visits to the Sax-General-Store are always great fun. The food is always great, but it is the spirit of community in that little store that makes it worth the ride down the Haw River Valley.

    Jeff, all the seeds are ordered, the ground is ready for taters, onions, greens and carrots…and the garlic is already ankle high. Its just waiting for a little warm weather and a few more hours of sunshine. Until it comes, we will get just a little bit warmer down at the store from a bottle of that Italian red off the shelf near the door. Peace

  2. 2

    Рerhаps my mеssage is tоо specifіc.
    But my оlder sіster fоund а wоnderful man herе аnd theу hаve a grеat rеlatiоnѕhір, but whаt about me?
    Ι am 22 уеarѕ оld, Alenа, frоm the Czесh Rерublіc, know Еnglіѕh lаnguage alѕо
    Αnd… bеtter tо say іt immedіаtеly. Ι аm bisехuаl. Ι am nоt jеаlouѕ оf аnothеr woman… еѕpeciаllу if wе mаkе lоve togеther.
    Аh yеѕ, Ι соok vеrу taѕtyǃ аnd I lovе nоt onlу cоok ;))
    Im reаl gіrl аnd loоking fоr sеrіоus аnd hot rеlаtiоnѕhiр…
    Anуwаy, yоu саn find my profilе hеrе:

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