2016 Winter Workshop (Series II)

Saxapahaw General Store

Participants will learn about herbs that promote mood elevation and peace of mind - herbs for joy! In this 75-minute hands-on class we will learn about and make a remedy with some of our most favorite “nervine” herbs. Nervines help us open to joy while offering protection from the harmful physiological effects of unrelenting stress...


Homebrew Wind Turbine Workshop

Handy Village Institute 5840 Jewell Rd, Graham, NC, United States

This is an excellent opportunity for participants to learn a variety of skills. The turbines we build are ideal for those who are interested in building their own wind power systems from scratch for fun, to save money, or for generating power in the developing world. Some time will be spent each day in lecture..


Homebrew Wind Turbine Workshop Copy

Handy Village Institute 5840 Jewell Rd, Graham, NC, United States

This is an excellent opportunity for participants to learn a variety of skills. The turbines we build are ideal for those who are interested in building their own wind power systems from scratch for fun, to save money, or for generating power in the developing world. Some time will be spent each day in lecture..


Crochet & Complain

Saxapahaw General Store

Bring your crochet hooks, your knitting needles, and leave your worries behind.  Share your creativity with the crochet group, vent a bit about your stresses and woes, and leave with a lighter spirit and with some beautiful crafting work. Open to All!!

Crochet & Complain

Saxapahaw General Store

Bring your crochet hooks, your knitting needles, and leave your worries behind.  Share your creativity with the crochet group, vent a bit about your stresses and woes, and leave with a lighter spirit and with some beautiful crafting work. Open to All!!