2022 in Review: The Year Full of Big Surprises

We see so many vintage cars in Saxapahaw, because when you want to watch the leaves change, or you just need a day trip out to the country, it’s the perfect place to visit.
We started October with a weather-related blackout, but with a large catering order that needed to be finished, we hooked up extension cords to generators and Jeff came in to work in the dark to make sure the catering event could go ahead without a hitch.
Remember what we said about live music and Saxapahaw? Sometimes it just happens… people are on the patio and the instruments come out…
In August 2022, Lauren and Harley finally had the wedding of their dreams. These two lovebirds got legally hitched a couple years ago, but due to covid restrictions, they couldn’t have a wedding, so they waited until 2022, and it was absolutely stunning.
With fall officially here, we gave local kids some markers and let them have fun drawing autumn artwork on the windows.
Did we mention that Murphy loves pumpkins? Yeah, she does.
We see cute dogs at the General Store every day, but it’s always a delight in October where they start showing up in cute costumes.
Karoke at a chilly October night in Saxapahaw. It really was chilly, though you can’t tell from the apron.
Apples, pumpkin, sweet potato? Is it almost November? IT IS! Click through… we’re almost to the end of the year!