2022 in Review: The Year Full of Big Surprises

Springtime means it’s the perfect time to spend time soaking up the sun out on the patio playing chess.
Considering all that Margaret does for the store, it’s no surprise that when it’s Margaret’s birthday, it’s kind of a really big deal.
Our speedy delivery driver (and local musician) Bruce, takes a quick break between runs to breathe in the fresh air.
If you want double eggs, spinach, cheese and avocado on a biscuit, we’ll do it!
Jaclyn enjoys lunch at the General Store during her first week working here.
We see a lot of new faces in Saxapahaw, but when you love where you work, and love where you live, it makes going to work pretty delightful, even if you’ve been here for a while.
To fill out some of the empty spots on the calendar before and after summer, in 2022, we created Tue Saxy, a series of events at businesses across Saxapahaw to showcase all that the village has to offer. This was the first Tue Saxy bike ride, where friends from across town gathered together to do a cycling tour. We’ll definitely be doing more of this in 2023 when the weather gets better!
Chef Amber getting ready to serve some farm to table deliciousness at a catering event at the Haw River Ballroom.
We try to offer a fully inclusive menu, which means for people who are allergic to red meat, we have options other than chicken or veggies… options like sliced emu fan filet. It’s from a bird, but it tastes just like red meat!
In May of 2022, we celebrated Zapfle Day for the first time, which honors the founding of the famed Rothaus Brewery in Germany, and we had plenty of Rothaus beer, as well as fresh hot pretzels with mustard and bratwurst.
There’s some of those May flowers!
Warmer weather means it’s time to stay refreshed with juicy boozy IPAs!
Another highlight of our Tue Saxy series was seeing local musician Rook Grubbs performing live at Cup 22.