2022 in Review: The Year Full of Big Surprises

After five years in Saxapahaw, Orin made the bold step of moving all the way across country to California… but before she left town there was a happy and tear-filled karaoke night / birthday party.
Yes, it rains a lot in the summer, but the rain just means that a rainbow is on its way.
Yvonne’s daughter Kenzie shows off her handmade fairy dolls for the first time at the Saxapahaw General Store.
“Going to the Gen Store, want anything?”
Yes it’s called OKTOBERFEST, but it’s actually celebrated at the end of September, and we went all out this year, with a small petting zoo, balloons, music, art, face painting by Emily Wimbish and so much more!
Chazney’s first week at the General Store, wondering how she got so lucky to be able to work with so many amazing people, and serving up amazing food.
More summer sunsets!
With the influx of yummy fall Oktoberfest beer, we all felt it would be fun to have babies posing on the mountain of beer. And ya know what, it was a whole lot of fun.
Murphy and Lena were super excited when we started getting pumpkins!
Scuppernongs and muscadine grapes are native to this region, and outside of the Carolinas, they’re not well known. but these fragile fruits are absolutely filled with sweet juice, and every bite is an explosion of flavor. They’re one of the best local treats, so when we get them in fresh, it’s always a big deal.
Click through below to see October!