A Look Back at the Weird and Wonderful World of the General Store in 2020
March 2020
When covid first started sweeping across the US, we had to scale down a little bit, but we also ended up hiring some new faces like Eden, who quickly proved herself to be an invaluable addition to the SGS team!You can tell we’re in March 2020 now, when we couldn’t keep hand sanitizer in stock, so local companies began making it for us.When coronavirus restrictions on indoor dining first arrived, we had to get creative, by offering a wide range of to-go menu items.We weren’t the only ones who had to drastically rethink things in the spring of 2020. Our friends at the Eddy Pub took the opportunity to start selling their own line of ketchups and sauces, which you can find at the Eddy or in the General Store.In an effort to reduce the number of people in the store, in March, we began offering curbside pickup.One of the great things about Saxapahaw is that we’re able to be mostly self-sustained. When national supply chains became strained, we kept our shelves stocked with locally made products, like this milk from Ran-Lew Dairy just down the road.And all of a sudden, we had to take out the communal tables, temporarily shut down in-person dining, and the store felt so quiet…On the first day that we had to stop in-person dining, one our locals, Billy, decided he would make his own eating spot in the parking lot.Stormy March weather, a precursor of stormy days and months ahead.But through it all, we remained in good spirits. This was also when Maddie was pregnant with SGS baby #2, but hadn’t announced it yet!And then there’s always father-son bicyle races in the parking lot when things are looking grim.
Click on Page 4 or the next arrow to check out April 2020!